  • Data Source Configuration
  • NAS devices
  • Synology NAS device
  • Troubleshooting
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Synology error codes

  1. The system cannot find the path specified/Synology server not found
  2. Share not found/Error in getting shares/Access is denied
  3. Network port already in use/Problem in adding Syslog Port. Address already in use: Cannot bind
  4. Username/Password is Wrong - Error Code:8007052e
  5. No event received or timestamp is not updated
  6. How to verify if the port number configured for Log Sending and ADAudit Plus' Syslog Listening Port are the same

1. The system cannot find the path specified/Synology server not found


This error occurs when ADAudit Plus is unable to contact the Synology server.


Verify that the server is part of the selected domain and is accessible.


Ping the Synology server by name from the ADAudit Plus server.

  • Login to your ADAudit Plus web console.
  • Navigate to File Audit > Configured Servers > Synology NAS and select your domain.
  • Identify and note the name of the Synology server showing the error.
  • Open Command Prompt in the ADAudit Plus server and ping the Synology server by its name as noted from ADAudit Plus console to verify that the name resolves to the correct IP address.
  • If the ping to the Synology server is successful, name resolution is not likely to be the cause of the issue.
  • If the ping to the Synology server fails, append the DNS suffix in the Advanced TCP/IP settings or add a host record in the DNS server, mapping this name to the Synology server's IP address.

2. Share not found/Error in getting shares/Access is denied


This error occurs when ADAudit Plus in unable to contact the Synology server or when the user account that runs ADAudit Plus does not have sufficient privileges to access the audit files (evt file shares) on the Synology server.


Verify that the Synology server is accessible and ensure that the user account used to run ADAudit Plus has sufficient privileges to access the audit files.


Ping the Synology server by name from the ADAudit Plus server.

  • Login to your ADAudit Plus web console.
  • Navigate to File Audit > Configured Servers > Synology NAS and select your domain.
  • Identify and note the name of the Synology server showing the error.
  • Open Command Prompt in the ADAudit Plus server and ping the Synology server by its name as noted from ADAudit Plus console to verify that the name resolves to the correct IP address.
  • If the ping to the Synology server is successful, name resolution is not likely to be the cause of the issue. Ensure that the user account has sufficient privileges to access the audit files.
  • If the ping to the Synology server fails, append the DNS suffix in the Advanced TCP/IP settings or add a host record in the DNS server, mapping this name to the Synology server's IP address.

3. Network port already in use/Problem in adding Syslog Port. Address already in use: Cannot bind


This error occurs when the syslog port which is configured in ADAudit Plus is being used by another process.


Verify that the syslog port which is configured in ADAudit Plus is not being used by another process.

4. Username/Password is Wrong - Error Code:8007052e


This error occurs when the username or password entered is wrong.


Check the server name, username and password.

5. No event received or timestamp is not updated


This error occurs when no events are received by ADAudit Plus from the Synology server.


Verify whether the forwarded syslog data is received by the ADAudit Plus server by installing ManageEngine Free Syslog Forwarder.

  • Login to your ADAudit Plus web console.
  • Navigate to Admin > General Settings > Connection, and set Current Syslog Status to Off. Alternatively, you can stop the ADAudit Plus Service.
  • In the free syslog forwarder tool, click Start to receive syslog data.
  • If no data is shown, check the syslog configuration settings by following this Synology configuration guide.

6. How to verify if the port number configured for Log Sending and ADAudit Plus' Syslog Listening Port are the same

  • In ADAudit Plus' web console, navigate to Admin > General Settings > Connection to view the port number being used by ADAudit Plus.
  • In Synology DSM, navigate to Log Center > Log Sending and verify if the same port number is provided.

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